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Big body shape, muscular and muscular man much coveted. No wonder, because almost most women do like men with such body shape. Probably, they argue that bigger and muscular man is more impressed manly, macho, and cool like a real man. But, I personally think the quality of a man is not only measured by his body shape. However, it all depends on the assessment of each person right? Meanwhile, you can also see Peptides for bodybuilding if you're looking for the recommended supplement for bodybuilding.

Back to the topic, to get a muscular body shape, one of them can be taken by way of diligent exercise, which is directed to the goal of body muscle development, such as fitness.

In addition, there is also another way through nutrition or food. Food is believed to have considerable influence in body formation. About 80% of the success of bodybuilding comes from the food consumed. However, for more details about it, I will give 3 tips and how to form a muscular body. Tips and ways are of course will be very useful for you and worth a try you know.

What are the ways to get a man's body muscular?

Weight training

Weight training involves some load-bearing equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, rope-type tugs that can help you lift lifting, and other body workouts such as pull-ups.
Weight training can also increase the production of adrenaline hormones that will stimulate faster muscle growth.

Eat more calories

The food ate aims to increase the muscle mass of the body. Eat as you have never eaten before. That is, eating in sufficient quantities and high calories.
If you do not eat high-calorie foods, your muscle mass will not increase, even though you've done all kinds of exercises. In short, what would be formed if the material needed to build muscle is not enough?

In order for new muscles to form, the calories eaten should be more than the calories burned. Surplus (excess) calories will be used by the body to repair damaged muscle tissue during heavy exercise and to build new muscles.

Eat more protein

Without protein, the body will not be able to build new muscles. If the food is eaten just high calories just for example a source of carbohydrates, then the tip of your body instead of muscled instead just become fat.
Carbohydrates provide energy for the body, while proteins provide amino acids for the body to build and repair the muscles of the body. To form the muscles of the body, at least you need about 5 grams of protein per kg of body weight. Or about 40-60 grams of protein per meal.

3 Excellent ways to building a manly and  muscular body


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